Write a TV Drama Pilot in 45 days with ScreenCraft's acclaimed eCourse.

We'll guide you every step of the way, with daily assignments and advice from some of Hollywood's top screenwriters.

Price: $49


Welcome to ScreenCraft’s eCourse, Write Your Drama TV Pilot in 45 Days!

Want to write the next great TV series? We can help get you started! In this course, you'll learn how to brainstorm, structure, and develop a complete TV pilot in just 45 days through daily assignments and exercises delivered every day to your inbox. We'll break down universal narrative concepts like plot, dialogue, and conflict, as well as TV-specific elements, like The Series Engine, cliffhangers, and teleplay format. We'll also analyze today's top TV series, including:


Bring an openness to learn and a passion for storytelling -- we'll provide the rest. You don’t even need to have a premise yet. Sign up below!


Want to try your hand at a feature film script? Click here to see our other e-course options.

What you'll learn:

How to choose a good premise

How to write great characters

How to structure a TV pilot

How to format a teleplay

How to create cliffhangers

Pacing in television scripts

How to use the "System of Passes" to polish your final draft

Okay, so I’ve done McKee’s bootcamp, done top screenwriting graduate school work, ScreenwritingU… Won a couple of big screenwriting contests, but for whatever reason, your 45-day online class has worked magic. Was I just ready for the message? Is it just a manageable format to undertake? Some of both? I don’t know, but I am one happy camper. I have been messing with this script idea for about two years, then I complete something MUCH DIFFERENT in 45 days. Thank you!!

Craig P.Screenwriter

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for creating the “TV Drama Pilot in 45 Days” course. This was the best investment I’ve ever made as a writer! I’m on Day 17 and have learned so much more about my pilot (I scrapped the old one altogether!) I’ve written the teaser and am in Act One still, but the daily lessons keep me focused and encourages me to go deeper with my characters and their journeys. I’m so excited about the possibilities of this story that I don’t know what to do with myself (the series is set during the Great Depression). I also like the fact that the lessons arrive in my inbox at around the same time every morning. I’m up at 6am writing and then when I see the lesson, I’m ready to go! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

LaChris J.Screenwriter

ScreenCraft catapulted my career years ahead of even my most optimistic expectations... [and] has helped me land top-tier representation and put me in a position to pitch projects to major studios.

Robert HaffeyScreenwriter

ScreenCraft is an amazing organization.

James V. HartAward-winning screenwriter of HOOK, DRACULA, and CONTACT

Register for this eCourse!

Each day, for the next 45 days, we'll email you the next step in this course.

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